Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts 2021 Reopening Invitation Cards
高雄市立美術館2021重開館 開幕請柬/新年賀卡

經歷為期 7 個月的整修時間,慶祝館齡23年的高美館重新轉型與2021重新開館,成為更多元開放、當代、友善與可親近性的專業美術館。在硬體改革上高美館完成最具指標性的 104-105 展覽室「光間」改造,為國內第一個使用光膜系統打造的公立美術館,接連獲得諸多空間獎項,從內部展間至外部建築、景觀...等一系列的友善空間改造,重新找回高雄市民與高美館的連結。


After a 7-month renovation, the Art Museum reopens in 2021 as a more inclusive and contemporary institution. The transformation of the 104-105 exhibition space, known as "The Light Space," makes it the first public art museum in the country to utilize a light film system. The museum has received awards for its spatial design, revitalizing the connection between the citizens of Kaohsiung and the art museum.

The design introduces the concept of "Light of Rebirth," linking it to the reopening theme. It flips the impression of traditional New Year cards with a series of minimalist color spaces and visual changes.

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