KILEDO 奇樂多親子樂園
在浩瀚遙遠的宇宙星河裡,有著一個以生產機器人聞名的星球,宇宙代號 KILEDO。這顆星球有著和地球相似的氣候與環境,唯㇐不同之處在於他們並非人類,而是擁有著高維度發展的機器人文明世界。他們認為快樂與趁早教育幼小的機器人 (孩童),這樣將可讓世界更趨於美好,因此在它們的星球有著滿滿的孩童遊樂寓教設施。宇宙間許多星球的人們都風聞而來想㇐探究竟,KILEDO特地開放星球讓大家深入體驗,並派出奇奇、樂樂、多多三位機器人,穿梭時空飛行抵達地球,在這地球上唯㇐被授權的奇樂多遊樂園中,將會發生什麼新奇有趣的事情呢?快來遊樂園裡親自體驗看看!
奇奇 - 智慧的代表。機靈、聰明、鬼靈精怪的迷你偵測機器人,隨時偵測小朋友的心情,陪伴小朋友建立自信、肯定自己與自我表達。
樂樂 - 愛的代表。正直、熱情、童心未泯的領導機器人,是個小老師可以教導小朋友生活起居、適應環境與正向行為,同時學會愛與勇於付出。
多多 - 勇氣的代表。友善、親和、憨厚、老實的巨型力氣機器人,擁有力量但更懂得如何適切使用,溫柔協助小朋友的心去面對挫折、培養耐心與學會勇敢。
KILEDO Family Fun Park
In the vast and distant universe, there is a planet known for producing robots, with the cosmic code name KILEDO. This planet has a climate and environment similar to Earth, but the difference is that they are not human, but a high-dimensional developed robot civilization world. They believe that happiness and early education of young robots (children) will make the world a better place, so there are many children's educational facilities on their planet. Many people from other planets in the universe have come to explore, and KILEDO has specially opened its planet for everyone to experience, and sent out three robots, Qiqi, Lele and Duo, to travel through time and space to reach Earth. What new and interesting things will happen in the only authorized KILEDO Family Fun Park on this Earth? Come to the park and experience it for yourself!
KILEDO Robots' Characters
Kikii: represents intelligence. A smart, witty and mischievous mini-detection robot, constantly monitoring the mood of the children, accompanying them in building self-confidence, self-affirmation, and self-expression.
Lele: represents love. Honest, passionate, and childlike leading robot, serves as a small teacher, teaching children living habits, adapting to the environment and positive behavior, while learning to love and be willing to give.
Dodo: represents courage. Friendly, approachable, honest and kind giant strength robot, possess strength but also knows how to use it appropriately, gently helping children's heart to face setbacks, cultivate patience and learn to be brave.