Photos courtesy of Golden Bell Awards

Photos courtesy of Golden Bell Awards

第 57 屆金鐘獎  
金鐘品牌 ICON 創建

金鐘獎是涵蓋廣播、節目、戲劇三場典禮的大型活動。除須具一個主軸概念、開展符合三場特質的系列視覺之外,尚須規劃一組識別系統,供整體活動、前導行銷與三場共用的製作物使用,需高度整合的設計規劃思考。GBA57 以數據流 Data Flow 符碼結合金鐘品牌 Icon 與年度設計標準字,圍繞金鐘為中心向外延伸動態,表現流動、擴大、彈性與影響。

視覺概念:(微觀) 水之樣態 → 流之趨向 → 潮之時代 (宏觀)
以「流」為主題,切入微觀到宏觀 (Micro to Macro) 去闡述產業的多樣性變化、呼應疫情期間的快速調校與應變、也對照產業近年來的能量爆發、平台齊放、串流奔騰......而對觀者而言我們早已置身沈浸、寬廣;感受快速、開放、流光瞬息、萬流交匯的大影視浪潮時代。

金鐘獎入圍證書 / 封套
入圍國家級重要獎項是難度極高之事,重新思考入圍證書的定位與規格,投入更多的設計規劃與製作成本,著重字體選擇與排版上的官方正式性,金鐘品牌 icon 以大面積的金色特殊加工表現,提升入圍證書的價值、高度與稀有性,使其成為值得被收藏與備感榮耀的關鍵年度物件。

Visual of the 57th Golden Bell Awards
Creation of the Golden Bell Brand Icon 
The purpose of the planning is to rejuvenate the Golden Bell Awards, establish a brand profile for the Golden Bell, and enhance the breadth of its applications. Drawing inspiration from the texture of the "bell" on the trophy, the design is based on a flat style, rational lines, and perfectly symmetrical shapes, imbuing the Golden Bell with simplicity and contemporaneity. This approach aims to open up possibilities for more diverse design, processing, and marketing applications.
The goal is to establish a core brand identity for the Golden Bell Awards, leveraging classic identification to accumulate unique brand value.

Identification System
The Golden Bell Awards is a large-scale event that encompasses three ceremonies for broadcasting, programs, and drama. In addition to having a central concept and developing a series of visuals that align with the characteristics of the three ceremonies, a cohesive identification system needs to be planned for use by the overall event, prelude marketing, and shared productions for all three ceremonies. The design planning requires a high level of integration. 
GBA57 combines data flow codes with the Golden Bell brand icon and annual design standard fonts. The design revolves around the Golden Bell as the center, extending dynamically outward to express flow, expansion, flexibility, and influence.

Visual Concept: (Micro) Patterns of Water → Trends of Flow → Era of Tides (Macro) 
With "flow" as the theme, the concept spans from micro to macro to elaborate on the diversity of changes in the industry. It echoes the rapid adjustments and adaptations during the pandemic, contrasting with the industry's recent explosive energy, diverse platforms, and streaming trends. For viewers, we are already immersed in this vast, rapid, open, and dynamic era of film and television.

Golden Bell Awards Nomination Certificate / Cover 
Being nominated for a national-level prestigious award is an extremely challenging accomplishment. There is a need to rethink the positioning and specifications of the nomination certificate, investing more in design planning and production costs. The focus is on the official formality of font selection and layout. The Golden Bell brand icon is presented with a large area of special gold processing to enhance the value, prominence, and rarity of the nomination certificate. The goal is to make it a key annual item worthy of collection and a symbol of pride.
Visual Director and Coordinator: AGI CHEN STUDIO
Motion and Photo Courtesy of Golden Bell Awards, Sanlih Entertainment Television, AGI CHEN STUDIO

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