花園練習 - 嘗試在充滿地球訊號的巴洛克花園中 整合新型態生活碼的可能因子,並以「音樂」- 最具體的抽象存在 - 作為載體,穿梭實體虛擬、類比數位,想音樂何嘗不是人類創造虛擬空間的原型、靈魂回應自然非自然訊息的代表,在花草落葉、陽光樹木水池間,音律與3D掃描技術、空拍影像、人造裝置交融練習,我們延展肢體進入夢境(抑或另一種虛擬領域?),感謝太陽、感謝月亮、感謝元宇宙,練習人類生命的新開始(new beginning)。
Garden Mingle - Field Practice
The event endeavors to mesh the possible factors of new forms of life codes in Baroque Garden, where it is filled with Earth signals. Also, “music” – the most vivid abstract existence – is employed as the vessel traversing betwixt the physical and virtual as well as the analog and digital. Music might be a prototype of virtual space created by humans and a representative of souls responding to messages, natural and unnatural alike. In the midst of flowers, grass, fallen leaves, sunshine, trees, and ponds, melodies, 3D scanning technology, aerial images, and artificial installations mingle and practice together. As we extend our limbs into the dream realm (or another virtual space, perhaps), we thank the Sun, the Moon, and the Metaverse, practicing the new beginning of human lives.