Love Love Rock Festival 2018
The continuation of the theme of love, The Festival advocates love, regardless of nationality, gender or species. Originally internet slang, "Single Dog" is now often refer to single, unmarried people. Based on a dachshund own by the organizers, we created the Mascot "Lai Lai", which is the symbol of the music festival. The butt sniffing posture of the dogs can be a very "graphic" interpretation of the theme "LOVE".
愛愛搖滾帳篷音樂節 2018
單身狗,1111光棍節,找到愛《Love Love Rock 愛愛搖滾帳篷音樂節 2018 11.9-11 》。延續愛的大議題 ,主張不分國籍、性別、物種、不修飾且勇敢地去愛。一開始就設定具話題性的「單身狗」為題,以角頭音樂虎神哥的臘腸狗「蕾蕾」為藍本,塑造出逗趣的造型 Mascot,為 2018 音樂節的品牌識別與精神象徵定調。狗狗友愛的直白肢體語言,暗示單身者對愛的搜尋、探索、渴望、曖昧與歡愉。