Dream Pool of Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg + Dream pool Essays
"Dream Pool of Gutenberg" is an experimental letterpress print that tells the story of movable type from two historical perspectives. This print uses two scripts, the Roman alphabet and Chinese Characters, to represent Johannes Gutenberg and Bi Sheng, who are both credited as the inventors of the printing technique that changed the world.

East vs West - Left vs Right  - Vertical vs Horizontal - 400 years apart
When held vertically, the print can be read in English, with the text flowing left to right. However, the reader must turn the page on its side to read the Chinese text, which flows from right to left and top to bottom. The English text offers a short biography of Johannes Gutenberg and his invention of movable type printing around 1450. The Chinese text is an excerpt from "Dream Pool Essays," by the scholar Shen Kuo, who provides the earliest written account of Bi Sheng's invention of a movable type between 1041 and 1048 AD.

We wish for this work to serve as a metaphor for the competing narratives between East and West with regards to the history of movable type and the printing press.

Most of all, we hope that print and typeface enthusiasts will enjoy it.


《古騰夢溪》取時間跨軸 400 年的北宋沈括的《夢溪筆談》與「古騰堡」兩個歷史文本之名組合為作品名稱,談其既超然獨立的各自表述卻又不可逃避的交互衝擊與影響。東、西各位於兩方地域空間、兩種迥然不同文化、兩式文字系統、兩款歷史觀點,創作將這仍在不斷動態進行中的對抗、衝擊、影響與融和,以戲劇性的手法呈現於一塊鉛字版上。

東方文獻記載中活字印刷多由中國經波斯埃及傳入歐洲,其中更經歷了蒙古人西征,夾帶軍事政治與文化的西傳有其可能脈絡, 但並未有實際的物質證據。因而國際學術界一般認為,時間上西方的發明雖晚於中國 400 年,但其活字印刷是獨立發明的,直接的源頭即為古騰堡的活字印刷。


Printed by Letterpress (Vandercook SP20) / All body text is printed with movable metal type from Ri Xing Type Foundry
Concept and Layout by Onion Design Associates  /  Typeset by Lin Jing Ren / Printed by Ri Xing Type Foundry
Created for the exhibition “Book of Time”  / Curated by Ri Xing Type Foundry  / Curator: Heidi Yu
Sponsored by Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government

內文以全鉛字印製 標題一號宋體/內文二號宋體/二號 ⑫ Future Bold
為展覽「 2017時光之書活版印刷小誌節」創作/概念、設計:洋蔥設計 

Ri Xing Type Foundry, The only remaining Tradition Chinese movable type foundry in the world. 
(still in operation & open for visitors) video.  日星鑄字行 全台唯一的正體中文鑄字行

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