Motion Graphics: Agi Chen Studio
Hip Hop Night at NPM
The Hip Hop at NPM was a hybrid of a concert and a fashion show, with the collaboration of Taiwanese well-known hip-hop singers Dwagie, Bear, and Korean American rapper Flowsik. They teamed up with Taiwanese fashion designer Daniel Wong, Bob Jian, JUST IN XX, and Jolin Wu. The event, Open Data Crossover Cultural Night: Hip Hop at NPM, aimed to break the boundaries between art, fashion, and hip-hop culture. The visual concept combines two completely different or even extreme conflicting elements. Hip Hop and street culture and The buddhist classic “The Tibetan Dragon Sutra”.
OPEN DATA 跨界文化之夜:嘻哈故宮
嘻哈--街頭、流行與自由/故宮--殿堂、尊貴與經典。兩個完全不同屬性,甚至極端衝突對立的概念,透過視覺語彙的詮釋之下,經由現代的設計手法,取「龍圖騰」與「白象」,創造畫面與意義上的互動與對話;取「五妙欲」中的五個吉祥圖案,與 Hip Hop 元素混合 Remix。色彩取「龍藏經」主色:藍色和金色,直接創造色彩連結。在交互衝撞與融合中,讓古典再度轉身重新站上流行聚焦舞台,使街頭文化躍上廳堂成為未來的經典。