啊!設計 - 公視美育節目官網
啊!設計是公視引進日本 NHK 的招牌美育節目,為了提升並啟發孩子們的美學素養,期望透過節目中淺顯易懂的內容,循序漸進地引領觀眾走進設計的世界。節目製作團隊包含佐藤卓、小山田圭吾與中村勇吾,每集節目都包含了「設計的觀察」、「素描」、「拆解」、「訪問名家設計師」等不同的單元。
Design Ah! Taiwan Official Website
Web site for the television program "Design Ah!" aired on Public Television taiwan. The educational program was produced by NHK educational channel, Japan. This exhibition is directed by Taku Satoh, general director of NHK educational channel "Design Ah!" along with Yugo Nakamura and Keigo Oyamada also involved in the program. Please enjoy experiencing this exhibition for children and adults alike in today's age when the world's eyes focus on the potential of design education.