Music Unlimited VI - "Void" Concert Identity
Void is a “semi-theatre piece” that explores the essence of life. Performed by Taipei Chamber Singers. The new media, designed by the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (University of Washington, Seattle) DXARTS, is filled with Zen aesthetics and interactive lighting designs, creating an in-depth dialogue among the orient, the west and contemporary arts. The extended and organically morphing Chinese character "無"(meaning "Void or nothingness")was used to express the abstract characteristics of the concert.
無即是無限, 是有的對應, 是虛實思想, 人聲的演出既有且無, DXARTS的新媒體影像亦是, 嘗試對音樂的律動, 聲音的延展, 聲線的波動, 單純人聲與數位藝術,擴展和有機的變形為漢字“無” 做出既具象又抽象的回應。